Healthy Pantry Meal OR Pot Luck Dish: 3 bean salad, yum!

It was sometime in my early teens when I realized that the moment I think, “I don’t need to hear this -I don’t have a problem with this,” is the moment I need to start listening.

I remember sitting in church, listening to Pastor Joel talk about something probably like lying, or stealing, or even being nice to a mean boss, and starting to tune out ‘cus the topic didn’t apply to me, when it hit me that it is the issues we don’t know about or refuse to acknowledge that pose the largest problems in our lives. If I am not aware of something, how can I improve it?

Similar thoughts have been coming across my mind lately. I vacillate from thinking “this is unnecessary” to “How did I miss this persistent distortion?” Little things, like that I have so internalized a diet mentality in small, sneaky ways, that I do not even realize that avoiding big spoons, large dinner plates, and cereal bowls at all costs (in favor of teaspoons, salad plates, and berry bowls) is a bit unusual, and that most/all of my friends went for the big spoon and the cereal bowl when I served a peach-blueberry cobbler last week. Sometimes, when I re-embark on breaking myself of odd/damaging habits that I have picked up over the years, I begin by telling myself that I don’t really have any of those habits remaining. But soon enough, if I talk to the right people, I get out of my denial and off my high horse, and find that they are indeed there.

One thing I know is that, wherever I was the last time I tried breaking old habits, I was not in a place where I could safely face what I see when I return to the task/quest of bettering myself. Each time I get to a new, safe place, I find new things that need to be left behind or unlearned. And, as cliche as it sounds, I can usually find something positive and much better to put in its place.

Well, now it’s time to share this yummy recipe, which should definitely be in your repertoire. I know it’s pretty much all from the pantry, but I looooove eating it in the summer. I eat the whole thing as meal sometimes… oops. I just love it! So does my mom -maybe that’s where I got my love for vinegar-y things from. -Nah, she definitely gave me my sweet tooth, as well as my habit of eating half a cookie only to come back 20 minutes later for the other half.


Lunch today!

Lunch today. Yes, it’s in a re-used almond butter jar =).


3 Bean Salad

2 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon sugar

Salt and pepper to taste

1 can kidney beans, drained

1 can wax beans (yellow), drained

1 can green beans, drained

*optional* 1 can of chickpeas or 1 1/3 cups cooked edamame (shelled)


In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, sugar, and salt and pepper for the dressing.

In a large bowl, mix together the three beans (or 4, if you go with the optional ones), then pour the prepared dressing evenly over the beans.

Chill or serve room temperature and enjoy!